Ozark Herbal Association
Ozark Herbal Association
We insist on only the highest quality organic, wild harvested or equivalent herbs for our formulas. Our tinctures are allowed to extract for at least one month in glass, not plastic. We use a very high amount of herb in the tinctures, making them concentrated and potent.

Only members may purchase our products. For information on why, see "Why an Association?"

Lifetime Association Membership

Membership is required before you may purchase our products. Ozark Herbal Association has been established as a First Amendment Association: all of its members join by signing a contract, which demonstrates their desire to participate in natural healing. As such, both Ozark Herbal Association and its members are protected via the provisions of the United States Constitution.

Your one-time purchase of a lifetime membership protects us from laws regulating healthcare facilities, and keeps our products available and affordable.

I Agree to the Membership Terms and Conditions
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Female Formula

Ingredients: Cedar Berries, Golden Seal, Uva Ursi, Cayenne, Licorice Root, Mullein. All ingredients organic or wild-harvested.

Male Formula

Ingredients: Wild American "Blue Ridge" Ginseng root, Chinese and Korean Ginseng roots, Siberian Ginseng root, Saw Palmetto berry, Sarsaparilla root, Yohimbe bark, Oat seed, Kola nut, and Ginger rhizome. All ingredients organic or wild-harvested.

Prostate Formula

Ingredients: Saw Palmetto Berry, Cleavers, Nettle root, Thuja leaf. All ingredients organic or wild-harvested.

Pancreas Formula

Ingredients: Cedar Berries, Golden Seal, Uva Ursi, Cayenne, Licorice Root, Mullein. All ingredients organic, wild harvested, or equivalent.

Lung Formula

Ingredients: Comfrey Root, Horehound, Boneset, Coltsfoot, Elecampane Root, Lobelia, Ginger Root. All ingredients organic, wild harvested, or equivalent.

Digestive Formula

Ingredients: Ginger root, Sweet Fennel Seed, Peppermint leaf and Essential oil. All ingredients organic, wild harvested, or equivalent.

Anemia Formula

Ingredients: Sarsparilla, Yellow Dock, Sassafras, Comfrey. All ingredients organic, wild harvested, or equivalent.


Ingredients: EyeBright Flower, Eyebright Herb, Rue Flower, Rue Root, Goldenseal, Red Raspberry Leaf, Mullen Leaf, Fennel Seed, Cayenne. All ingredients organic, wild harvested, or equivalent.

General Nervine Tonic

Ingredients: Scullcap Herb, Hops, Valerian Root, Gentain Root, Black Cohosh. All ingredients organic, wild harvested, or equivalent.

Thyroid Formula

Ingredients: Kelp, Water Cress, Parsley, Mullein, Nettle, Irish Moss, Sheep Sorrel, Icelandic Moss. All ingredients organic, wild harvested, or equivalent.

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